Functional Bodybuilding

Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

Crab reach x 5/side

KB Arm bar x 5/side

Bulgarian ring row x 8

Single Arm DB Strict Presses +5 Push Press

Metcon (Weight)

-1 Single Arm Strict Press+ 5 Single Arm Push Press with a 2 second hold at the top

5 sets to a heavy load.

Notes: Rest 90 Seconds between sets. Use KB or Dumbbells (Note Verticle dip). SUB BARBELL IF NO HEAVY DB’S

Barbell Reverse Grip Overhead Press

Metcon (No Measure)

Reverse grip press

4×12 Reps with a 3 second negative (down)

Notes: Rest 90 Seconds between sets. Play with hand width to find most comfortable grip and shoulder position. Go a little lighter if you have never done this before or if the lockout feel dicey.

DB High Pulls

Metcon (Weight)

Set 1: 25 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3: 15 reps

Set 4: 12 Heavy, drop 30% of the weight into 10 reps, drop 30% into reps to failure

Notes. Increase weight each set. Hinge at the hips a little but don’t bend the knees too much. finish each rep with the shoulder pulled back. Reduce weight if you experience any shoulder discomfort. Record DB weight for Heavy 12 rep.

Single Arm Lat. Raise/External Rot. Superset

Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets of the following…

-15 reps each arm of single arm side lateral raises (Bands or light Dumbbells)

superset with…

-15 reps each arm of Seated DB External rotation (Light)

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between sets. Do both arms on each exercise, then rest. Use a band or DB for the SA lateral raises.

Thruster/Front Rack Lunges

Metcon (No Measure)

21, 15 and 9 Reps of…

Thrusters 95/65

Front Rack Lunge Steps

400 Meter Run or 500 meter row

Optional: Core Work

Metcon (No Measure)

3 rounds of…

– 20 side bend (each side)

-20 knee raises with a 2 sec negative 20 banded crunch no rest between rounds

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637 Lejuanta St. Lake Charles, LA 70611-5317
Open hours
4:00 am-10:00 pm
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