Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bronco Basketball
General warmup (upper) (No Measure)
(20 seconds of work…15 seconds of rest)
Toe touch jumping jacks
shoulder taps
bottom up burpees
mountain climbers
forward arm circles
backward arm circles
Strength (upper)
Bench Press (5×5@70%)
Accessory (super-set the following)
Strict pull-ups (3 sets of 5)
-Hands outside shoulder width
-Full grip on bar
-Start hanging with arms extended
-Chest stays up with eyes forward
-pull until chin is higher than bar
-Complete at full arm extension
Use bands if needed…standard is full hang at the bottom and chin passing over the bar. No kipping allowed. TRX straps may be used for ring rows.
Bench dips (3x Max effort)
Sit on side of bench. Place hands on edge of bench. Position feet away from bench. Straighten arms, slide rear end off of edge of bench, and rest heels on floor with legs straight.
Lower body by bending arms until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder, rear end touches floor, or below a 90 degree angle. Raise body and repeat.
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds for time:
2 up down and arounds (split gym in half)
4 explosive burpee broad jumps
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