Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding
Prehab- pulling (No Measure)
3 Rounds of…
30 Banded Pull-Aparts
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Light)
15 Ring Rows (45 Degrees)
Straight arm press downs/ Lat pull Downs Superset (3×50)
Straight arm press downs/ Lat pull Downs Superset
3 Total sets of…
-20 Reps of…PVC kneeling Straight arm Press down against bands (String PVC Through 1 or 2 bands off of pull up rig, Or use Tricep rope and Cable machine)
Superset immediately with…
-30 Banded Lat Pull Downs
(Tie 2 bands around Pull Up bar and PVC Pipe or training bar, Sit on Floor or use lat pulldown machine)
Use 3 different grips for 10 reps each ie 10 wide, 10 regular, 10 narrow underhand each set
Notes: Rest 2 Minutes Between sets, record band tension of machine weight for pull downs
Rack pulls against heavy banded tension (heaviest load of all 4 sets)
Banded Rack Pulls (Patella Height, Step on band or attach to power rack)
Set 1: 15 Reps
Set 2 :12 Reps
Set 3: 10 Reps
Set 4: 8 Reps
Rack pull:
Underhand Bent Over Barbell Row: Version 2 (5 sets (heaviest load))
Set 1: 15 Smooth Reps at Moderate Weight
Set 2: 12 Heavy Reps (Nice and clean)
Set 3: 12 Heavy Reps (try for very little body english)
Set 4: 10 Heavier Reps (keep it smooth, but get heavy)
Set 5: DEATH SET…5 Reps plus 10 second hold in contraction, 3 times thru consecutively (15 total Reps this set, with 30 total seconds of iso- holds)
Meadow rows (4 sets )
4 Sets
Set 1: 15 Reps each arm
Set 2: 15 Reps each arm
Set 3: 12 Reps each arm
Set 4: 10 Reps each arm
Meadow row:
pull-up hypertrophy drop sets (3 sets x 10)
3 Sets of…
-Pull Up Drop Sets: 10 strict with a 3 second negative into max band assisted (light band) with a 3 second negative
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