Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding
prehab upper (No Measure)
3 Rounds of..
Hinge Row x 10
Ring push up x 8 (to scale walk forwards)
Single Arm Banded Pull Over x 10/arm 3 rounds
Weighted Band Resisted Push-Ups (4×10)
(Time Under Tension)
Within 4 Sets
Build to a 10RM Weighted Band-Resisted Push-Up with a 2 second negative (down) and a 1 second pause at lockout
Metcon (Weight)
8 Supersets
Set 1:
15 DB Flat Bench (Heavy) with a 5s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
15 Fast Reps of Barbell Incline Bench Press
Set 2:
12 DB Flat Bench (Heavy) with a 3s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
12 Fast Reps of Barbell Incline Bench Press
Set 3:
12 DB Flat Bench (Heavy) with a 3s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
12 Fast Reps of Barbell Incline Bench Press
Set 4:
10 DB Flat Bench (Heavy) with a 3s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
10 Fast Reps of Barbell Incline Bench Press
—————COMPLEX SWITCHES—————————————————————–
Set 5:
15 Barbell Incline Bench Press (Heavy) with a 5s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
15 Fast Reps of DB Flat Bench
Set 6:
12 Barbell Incline Bench Press (Heavy) with a 3s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
12 Fast Reps of DB Flat Bench
Set 7:
12 Barbell Incline Bench Press (Heavy) with a 3s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
12 Fast Reps of DB Flat Bench
Set 8:
10 Barbell Incline Bench Press (Heavy) with a 3s Negative (Down)
–immediately into–
10 Fast Reps of DB Flat Bench
This is heavy and slow into light and fast each set. Then the movements flip, but same idea in terms of loading. Keep transitions pretty quick from flat bench to incline bench. Adjust bench or prop on boxes or plates to create a 30 degree angle. Pay attention to and hold the tempos. Increase weight each set 1-4 then drop down and increase weight each set 5-8. Record your best loading from the 10 reps. You can use multiple dumbbell sets or use bands for extra resistance on the first movement.
Record your best loading from the 10 reps.
Metcon (Weight)
3 Sets
15 Tempo DB Incline Squeeze Press (2s Down, 2s Up)
–directly into–
15 Bench or Bar Dips (use band assistance if needed or sub bench dips)
–directly into–
30 Banded Tricep Extensions (medium/light band)
score is single db weight
Incline Squeeze Press:
Box Dips:
Banded Tricep Extensions:
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