
Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Mayhem Burgener Strength


Metcon (No Measure)

Double DB Z-Press

4 sets: 10-15 reps; moderate loading: stay the same or increase across sets

*Focus: From a seated position with legs extended in front, press both DB’s overhead. Choose a weight that will allow quality range of motion without cheating by leaning, etc.

Single DB Lateral Raise + Single DB Front Raise

4 sets: 8 lateral raise + 8 front raise

*Focus: Free hand can be used to stabilize against a rig or athlete can choose to do free standing. Do not raise DB above shoulder level and keep a slight bend in the arm to avoid excessive stress on the elbow

GHD Hip Raise

5 sets: 20 reps; unloaded or holding a plate or DB

*Focus: Set up GHD so hips are slightly past the hip pad. Go down to 90 degrees and raise to parallel. Avoid using excessive momentum to complete reps and squeeze glutes at the top of each rep

Deficit Sumo DB/KB Deadlift

4 sets: 12 reps

*Focus: Feet should be in a wider than shoulder width stance and turned out. Feet should be on elevated surfaces with open space below the body for DB/KB to pass through. Hold DB by one head and sumo deadlift. DB/KB does NOT have to make contact with the floor for full ROM. Squeeze glutes to stand up.

Core Work:

4 Rounds:

20 situps

30 sec plank

30 sec side plank left

30 sec side plank right

15 Straight Leg Pulse Ups

5-10 Abwheel Rollouts

*Focus: Minimal rest between rounds.

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4:00 am-10:00 pm
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