
Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds

10/7 cal row

15 bent over plate rows

10/7 cal ski

15 floor plate press


2 rounds

10 PVC pass throughs

10 PVC around the worlds

10 Arm circles (each direction)

5 Down dog/seal pose transitions

Focus: Move with intention and take machine work at an easy/moderate pace

arms and core

Metcon (No Measure)

Pushups + Chin-ups

5 sets: Max pushups + Max Chin-ups (rest 3:00 b/t attempts)

*Focus: Athletes will perform a max set of each movement. Pausing for longer than 5 seconds between reps or a large breakdown in form/position ends that set. Quality form on pushups and chin-ups. Athletes should keep a solid plank position during push-ups and aim to make contact with the quads/chest and the floor but don’t go completely relaxed between reps. Modify pushups to either pushups on a racked bar or the side of a box. Knee pushups are not preferred. Chin-ups should be done with a supinated (underhand grip). Athletes should use a band across the rig if assistance is needed for quality reps.

Tricep Dips + DB Spider Curls

5 sets: 10-15 reps on each

*Focus: Dips can be performed on either dip bars or two high boxes (allowing the body to pass between the boxes). Keep shoulders in an engaged position throughout the dips and the rest of the body in a strong “hollow position” if not using assistance. A band can be attached across the bars or one foot can be placed on the floor to assist. For curls, set up an incline bench to a 45 degree angle. Hold light/moderate dumbbells in each hand and brace chest/upper torso against bench. Perform curls with both arms at the same time.

Single Arm DB Skull Crusher + Single DB Double Head Curl

4 sets: 10-15 reps on each


Laying on a bench, extend dumbbell towards the ceiling. Bending at the elbow,

lower the dumbbell to the side of the head, approximately to the level of the

hairline. Place the free hand behind the tricep of the working arm to brace and

provide support to keep the elbow in the correct position. For curls, grasp ONE dumbbell by each head and perform curls. Maintain a slight forward lean with upper torso to help in keeping tension on biceps throughout reps.

Core Work:

4 Rounds

20 Abmat Situps

10 Strict Toes to Bar

20 Oblique Heel Taps (each side)

10 Windmills (each side)

30 yd front rack/overhead KB carr

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637 Lejuanta St. Lake Charles, LA 70611-5317
Open hours
4:00 am-10:00 pm
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