Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bronco Basketball
General flow (No Measure)
2 Rounds:
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Toe Touches
5 Up and Over Left
5 Up and Over Right
5 Arm Circles Left
5 Arm Circles Right
5 Double Arm Circles Reverse
–Go To Plank–
3 Rounds each side:
Lunge Outside Hand
Twist to Sky
Elbow to Floor
Push-Up x 2
1:00 – 2:00 Run/Row/Bike/Jump Rope
SPLIT (upper and lower)
Strength (upper)
Shoulder Press (3×12 )
after each set complete 8 single arm arnold presses with db
Strict pull-ups (3×8 (1 second hold chin over bar))
-Hands outside shoulder width
-Full grip on bar
-Start hanging with arms extended
-Chest stays up with eyes forward
-pull until chin is higher than bar
-Complete at full arm extension
DB Flat Bench Press/ DB Push Up SUPERSETS (3 sets x 12 db bench into 12 push-ups off db’s)
DB Flat Bench:
Push Ups on DB’s
Strength (lower)
Front Squat (3×6 (moderate to heavy loading))
afte each set complete 6 Single leg rdl’s each set w/db
elevated glute bridges (3×15 (no weight needed) 20″ box)
Feet elevated on box and shoulder blades together. Drive the hips towards the sky while holding for 2 seconds at the top
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