
Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Crossover Symmetry Activation

OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

1 Set:

1:00 Row (Increasing Pace each set)

20 Alt. Leg V-Up

15 Banded Good Morning

10 Single Arm Thruster R/L (Light)

10 Hanging Scap Retraction

8 Kip-to-Swing

4 Strict Pull-Up


Build to Deadlift weight.

3. Workout Prep

1 Set (at workout pace):

5 Wall Ball (at workout weight)

3 Toes-to-Bar

3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up

3 Deadlift (at workout weight)

OG class

Metcon (Time)

45 Wall Ball (20/14)

15 Toes to Bar (OR 30 Hanging Knee Raise)

15 Chest to bar Pull-ups (OR 30 banded Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up)

15 Deadlift (225/155)

OG Compete

Metcon (Time)

90 Wall Ball (20/14)

30 Toes to Bar

30 Chest to bar Pull-ups

30 Deadlift (315/225)



Target Time: 9-10 minutes

Time Cap each set: 14 minutes


How to Pace: PAIN CAVE!! This 4 part chipper will allow us to attack each movement with a lot of intensity. The goal is to build in intensity through each movement, so we are emptying the tank on the deadlifts.

How it should Feel: PAIN!! The workout will test a lot of capacity as we move through squatting, pressing, upper body gymnastics and pulling from the ground to finish. Your intensity should be higher today as it is FULL SEND FRIDAY and our chance to test yourself against the workout and your past fitness!!


Wall Balls: Attack these with as much intensity as you can while being able to get to the toes to bar without more than 10-15 seconds rest after the last wall ball. We’d recommend 3 quick sets or 2 sets if you are great at wall balls. The unbroken strategy probably isn’t worth the spike in heart rate and muscle fatigue (but if you’re feeling froggy, we can’t stop ya!).

Toes to bar & Chest to bar pull ups: Think of this as a set of 60 since we are going straight into 30 chest to bar pull ups. 3-4 sets on the toes to bar and then 3-4 sets on the pull ups is a good goal. Only do less sets on each movement if you can hold a consistent rep count throughout.

Deadlift: Your grip will be fatigued here and paired with a high heart rate. Aim to hit in sets of 5-8+ and mentally remember it is the last portion. Don’t sacrifice form, but push the pace so you can finish strong.

Session 2

Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus

OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Hinshaw Warm up

3. Strict Handstand Push Up Prep (perform after cardio)

2-3 Sets:

10 PVC Prone Lifts

30 seconds of Wrist Rocks

5 Inchworm into Hollow

50 Banded I to Shrug

Hinshaw warm up written out

Perform each drill for 10m out, then walk back

High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)

Over hurdle (heel, toe)

Knee to chest

Figure 4 (1 sec)

Lunge with reach overhead

Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)

Toy soldiers

High knee + arm swing

Butt kick + arm swing

Straight Leg (shallow heel)

20m out walk back

Side step out and back

Side step jumping jack out and back


Sitting arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec

Standing arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec

Perform each drill for 10m

Toes out walk

Toes in walk

Heels walk

Toes walk

Outside Foot walk

Inside Foot walk

50m hash marks (fast feet) forwards & backwards

30m (20m speed up, 10m to slow down)

45m (35m speed up, 10m to slow down)

60m (50m speed up, 10m to slow down)

Metcon (Time)

Run “Aerobic” (aka Long) Workouts

6×6 Min at Easy Pace w/1 Min Rest between reps

Workout Details: Perform this workout on an out and back flat course or non-motorized treadmill. Record your distance in your first interval. Return back to starting point on next interval. Focus on matching the same (6min) amount of time to run same distance. Only look at watch after you cross your finishing line. Goal is to match your first rep distance in reps 2-6

Bike erg

Functional Threshold Power Workout:

Warm Up

90 Sec Easy

90 Sec Easy/Mod

90 Sec Mod

90 Sec Mod/Fast

90 Sec Easy

90 Sec Fast

90 Sec Easy

2x (30 Sec Sprint, 90 Sec Easy)

90 Sec Easy

Main Workout

8 Min at Max Effort

10 Min Easy

8 Min at Max Effort

Cool Down

5 Min Easy

Total: 46min

*Time to test your aerobic power and your ability to repeat it..!! .

**Record: You must record the average watts for both 8min at max effort intervals in the notes.

***Score: Record average watts for BOTH 8min max effort intervals by adding together the average watts of each 8min result and dividing this total by 2.

Example: Record 1st 8min: 250 watts & 2nd 8min: 260 watts in the SugarWOD Notes.

Plus, Score in SugarWOD average watts for both = 255 watts or [(250+260)/2]”

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637 Lejuanta St. Lake Charles, LA 70611-5317
Open hours
4:00 am-10:00 pm
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