Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Mayhem Burgener Strength
Warm-up (No Measure)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation
OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement
2. Movement Prep
3 sets
30 seconds Kettlebell Front Rack Wall Sit Hold
30 seconds Nose to Wall
50ft Dumbbell Waiter Walk (each)
3. Barbell Prep
A) Burgener Warm up Snatch – 3-5 reps at each of the 5 exercises (listed below)
Elbows high and outside – “BAR CLOSE”
Muscle snatch – “STRONG TURNOVER”
Snatch land – “FOOT WORK” 2″, 4″, 6″
Snatch drop – “FOOT WORK”
B) Skill Transfer Exercises Snatch – 3-5 reps at each of the 5 exercises (listed below)
Snatch grip push press. Feet jumping position “OVERHEAD STRENGTH”
Overhead squat, “CORE STRENGTH”
Heaving Snatch Balance. Feet in landing position. Dip, drive, drop, punch. “FAST HANDS”
Drop Snatch, feet jumping position to landing, no drive, “SPEED UNDER”
Snatch balance, “FOOT AND ARM SPEED”
C) 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch
muscle clean + tall clean (3×6)
3 Muscle Clean + 3 Tall Clean x 3 sets
– Stay light
Athletes Notes
How to approach the lifts
Record each set as 1 of your scores for load
This is a skill work. Don’t worry about heavy loading.
Cleans From the Above the Knee (4×3)
3 Cleans From the Above the Knee x 2 sets @70% of 1RM Clean
3 Cleans From the Above the Knee x 2 sets @75% of 1RM Clean
* Rest as needed between sets *
Split Jerk (10×1)
Every min (10 minutes)
1 Split Jerk
– Start at 60% and work up from there to a RPE of 9/10
Bench Press (10-5-3-10-5-3)
10 Bench Press
5 Bench Press
3 Bench Press
10 Bench Press
5 Bench Press
3 Bench Press
– Move up in weight as reps descend, then start the second wave slightly higher than the first.
* rest as needed between sets *
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