
Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus

OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation

* 10 Side step R/L

* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L

* 10 Glute Bridges

* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L

* 10 Bird Dogs R/L

* 10 Squats

3. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

3 Sets

1:00 Bike (10 Damper)

15 Double KB Front Squat (Light)

15 Double KB Push Press (Light)

10 Hanging Scap Retraction

10 Kip to Swing

5 Strict Pull Up

20 Alt. Leg V-Up

4. Workout Prep

1 Set (at workout pace)

5 Wall Balls (at workout weight)

2 Bar Muscle Ups

5 GHD Sit Ups

2 Muscle Ups

OG class

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

3 Rounds

21 Wall Balls (20/14)

7 Burpee Pull-Ups

-Rest 5 Minutes-

3 Rounds

15 Burpee to 6″ target

7 Burpee Pull-Ups

OG Compete

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

3 Rounds

28 Wall Balls (20/14)

7 Bar Muscle Ups

-Rest 5 Minutes-

3 Rounds

21 Burpee to 6″ target

7 Ring Muscle Ups



Target Time each set: sub 6 minutes

Time Cap each set: 8 minutes


How to Pace: STEADY. Aim to hold the same time round to round or even get slightly faster with each workout!

How it should Feel: MUSCULAR ENDURANCE & GASSY! You will likely feel a LOT of fatigue in the shoulders in this one as well as that heart rate running high!


Wall Balls: Unbroken and smooth is the goal here. Use those hips as much as possible to save the shoulders!

Bar Muscle Ups: 1-2 sets is the aim. We want quick transitions before and after this movement. Don’t get lazy on your kip!

Burpee to 6″ target: Smooth and steady with minimal rest is the aim! Be consistent with your movement and pacing here.

Muscle Ups: Know your ability and don’t push all the way til round 3! Make each round look pretty rather than rushing the movement.

Session 2

Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

6 sets

25/20 Calorie Row

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

-rest 1:1 b/t sets-



Target Time each set: sub 2 minutes

Time Cap each set: 3 minutes


How to Pace: SPRINT! Come out fast and build into an even faster pace!

How it should Feel: GASSY! This one will take your breath away!


Calorie Row: We are aiming for close to 1 minute on these and need to be aggressive to do so!

Burpee Box Jump Overs: Non stop movement with quick turn around is what we are aiming for!

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637 Lejuanta St. Lake Charles, LA 70611-5317
Open hours
4:00 am-10:00 pm
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