Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bronco Basketball
Dynamic warmup
Dynamic warmup (No Measure)
1 round: (line drills)
baseline to half court then jog to opposite baseline
high knee pulls
Russian kicks
quad pulls
figure four stretch
lunge & rotation
high knees
butt kicks
quick feet karaoke
quick feet karaoke with high knee
side shuffle w/push-off
side shuffle w/ pause on whistle
run shuffle opposite
back pedal
back pedal/run
hip flips
1 round:
(20 seconds of work…10 seconds of rest)
Toe touch jumping jacks
air squats
shoulder taps
step back lunges
bottom up burpees
bird pickers
horizontal hug and open
side lunges
jumping squats
forward arm circles
shoulder flexion-extension
backward arm circles
Build in phase
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 12:
even- 10 push-ups
odd- 5 strict pull-ups
banded pallof press hold (4×30)
body weight inverted row (4×10)
banded chest press hold (3X45 SECS)
3×45 seconds
Tricep pushdowns (banded) (4X16)
Barbell Bicep curls (4×10)
Accessory 2
Hamstring curls (banded) (4×16)
lying prone on bench wrap a resistance band around the rig.
banded hip flexor hold (4×30)
Agility warmup (No Measure)
Agility warm-ups
Side lateral steps with push off
side lateral shuffle with pause on whistle
run shuffle opposite
back pedal
back pedal/run
hip flips
lunge w/torso rotation/kick
crossbody pull with hinge
side to Side lunge w/ side shuffle
speed drills
over/back (baseline) two each side
quick switch one each side
single leg over back
both leg over/back
ski jumps (both feet over back lateral)
single leg ski jumps
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