Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bronco Basketball
Dynamic leg warm-up (No Measure)
20 on 20 off
High knees in place
alternating side lunges w/high knee
alternating Bird pickers
ski jumps
alternating leg raises from plank
In-outs from plank
alternating single leg kickbacks
air squats
side bridge (both sides)
hip twist/jump
quad stretch w/reach opposite arm of stretch
2 up 2 back
jumping split lunge
Lateral wall drill (inside leg and outside leg both directions)
Lateral single leg broad jump with quarter turn
Reverse single leg broad jump w/half turn (inside leg)
Plyometric warmup (No Measure)
2 sets
8 reps of each
low box drop landing
lateral bounds
forward lateral bounds
step up jumps
1 leg weighted dorsiflexion w/kb (2 sets x 1:00 each side)
Strength (lower)
Back Squat (Every 2 x 5: 4 tempo BS + 8 explosive BS)
5 sets:
4 tempo BS (2112) moderate
(drop set)
8 explosive BS light
Strength (upper)
Bench Press (Every 2 x 5: 4 tempo BP + 8 explosive BP)
5 sets:
4 tempo BP (2112) moderate
(drop set)
8 explosive BP light
Accessory (super-set the following)
Single leg db Romanian Deadlifts (3×10)
Chin-ups (3×8)
Accessory 2 (superset the following)
Bulgarian Split Squat (3×8)
Seated Single Arm DB Press (4×10)
4 sets: 10 reps (each side)
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across
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