1 Hour (Everything Included)
1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate
Hip Halo Warmup
Burgener Warm-Up (Snatch) + Skill Transfer (if time allows)
* 10 minutes with a PVC or Empty Barbell
* Perform 3-5 reps at each movement
3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch (PVC or Empty Barbell)
* 5 minutes (This is strength prep)
* 2-3 Times through
* Athletes should focus on footwork and finishing their pull
2. Strength Prep
Athletes will work back and forth In the Hole Front Squats (Or Pause) and Strict Chin-ups. Squats are heavy singles between 80-90% (stay within the range). Setup up a bar on jerk blocks or spotter arms at the bottom position of their front squat ROM. Athletes will pull themselves into place, build tension, and stand the bar up. The bar will be returned to the starting platform, and athletes will step out. If athletes are uncomfortable with in-the-hole front squats, have them perform a pause squat singles but cue them to find the deepest squat position possible during reps. If athletes are not able to perform weighted pull-ups, have them perform strict pull-ups for quality or banded pull-ups with as little assistance as possible to complete 5 x 5 on reps.
3. Workout Prep
3 sets:
2 Snatch (increase weight)
2 Bar Facing Burpees
For Time:
Squat Snatch (115/80)
Burpee over Bar
Target time: 7-9 minutes
Time cap: 12 minutes
Freedom (RX’d)
For Time:
Squat Snatch (135/95)
Burpee over Bar
Target time: 7-9 minutes
Time cap: 12 minutes
1 min forward fold (wide legs)
1 min seal pose
1 min trap smash with Barbell (each side)
[Seal Pose]()
[Trap Smash]()
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