Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bronco Basketball
Dynamic leg warm-up (No Measure)
20 on 20 off
High knees in place
alternating side lunges w/high knee
alternating Bird pickers
ski jumps
alternating bird dogs
In-outs from plank
alternating single leg v-ups
air squats
elbows to hands plank
hip twist/jump
quad stretch w/reach opposite arm of stretch
2 up 2 back
jumping split lunge
Lateral wall drill (inside leg and outside leg both directions)
Lateral single leg broad jump with quarter turn
Reverse single leg broad jump w/half turn (inside leg)
Clean From Above the Knee + Clean + Jerk: (Every 2 x 5: 1 rep (climbing))
Strength (lower)
Back Squat (5×5 (10 lbs heavier than 9/9/22))
EMOM strength training
Metcon (Checkmark)
EMOM 12:
Minute 1- 10 weighted box jumps (holding medball)
Minute 2- 16 alternating db snatch
Minute 3- 10 dual db bench press
Minute 4- 5 strict pull-ups
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