Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bodybuilding
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand alone hypertrophy focused program. You may layer this on top of some of the other Mayhem Athlete Program, but it is not designed to be performed on top of all other tracks each day. We will include pieces of some days in other programs as “ACCESSORY”. The goals are to stay focused and rest just long enough so that you can perform the next set with quality and control unless stated otherwise. Keep your attention of each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not done “For Time” but treat them like you are limited on time. Keep a visible clock running to keep you accountable.
Warm-up (No Measure)
5 min Single/Double Unders
5 rounds of Rowling
(5 max penalty Burpee Box Jump Overs)
Focus: Rowling is a skill game of trying to get the erg monitor to land exactly on 100m each round. Begin rowing at a normal pace and take your last pull between 70-80m and let the monitor “rowl” (row+bowling) into the 100m mark. The number of meters you are over or under 100m are the number of penalty burpees you must complete. There is only a max of 5 penalty burpee box jump over each round.
Monostructural (Time)
For Time:
500/400m Row
200m Run
500/400m Ski
200m Run
300/240m Row
200m Run
300/240m Ski
200m Run
100/80m Row
200m Run
100/80m Ski
Focus: stimulus is a moderate effort that increases on the machines across the workout and remains constant on the run. Effort on row, and ski will increase as distances decrease across the workout. Athletes should aim to match a similar pace on each run every time and stay as a pace that allows them to push on the machines.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
3 sets
20/15 cal standing bike
7 Sandbag Squats (150/100)
200ft Sandbag Front Carry (50 down/50 back)
7 Sandbag Cleans (150/100)
-1:1 rest between sets-
Notes: Stimulus is a moderate, steady pace. Athletes will be performing standing bike and then moving into odd object work with the sandbag. Sandbag weight should be challenging but doable on all movements for all three rounds. Workout is structured in a way that athletes can work with a partner in a “You go – I go” fashion and athletes should aim for similar round times across the workout. If athletes do not have access to a sandbag, they can substitute front squats (155/105), heavy db farmers carry (100/70s), and power cleans (155/105).
1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
1 min Pigeon Pose (each side)
1 min Quad Smash (each side)
1 min Double Banded Overhead Shoulder Distraction + Curtsy (each side)
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