CrossFit WOD, February 6, 2023

Mayhem Affiliate 02/06/2023

<p><strong>1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate</strong><br />4 sets<br />Tabata Row (20 seconds on/10 seconds off)<br />- into -<br />3-4 sets (10:00 time cap)</p><ul><li>4 Walking Lunge Steps + Torse Twist (each side)</li><li>5 Clean Grip Deadlifts</li><li>5 Muscle Cleans + Shoulder Press</li><li>5 Hang Power Cleans + Push Press</li><li>5 Power Clean and Push Jerks</li></ul><p><br /><strong>2. Strength Prep</strong><br />Athletes have a 10 min EMOM of 5 touch-and-go Clean and Jerks. Weight should feel comfortable as we will be building on the weight established this week over the next few weeks. Today’s weight should be 5 TOTAL lbs heavier than the clean and jerk EMOM from two weeks ago. Athletes should utilize a strong power position when receiving the bar (even if muscle cleans are possible with light weight). Starting feet wider than the normal “jumping position” and staying there throughout these reps will allow for faster cycling time rather than resetting the feet with each rep. Focus is on a smooth pull, catching a good 2in dip, and transitioning right overhead. After a slight pause at the top of the rep, we want a controlled transition back down to the floor.<br /><br />- Athletes should look to increase weight from the last cycle (5lbs) if they breezed through the reps. Don’t add weight if it risks failure, form, or uneasiness through the 5 reps.<br /><br /><strong>3. Workout Prep</strong><br />2 sets:</p><ul><li>5 Air Squats</li><li>5 Push Ups</li><li>5 Wall Balls (build in weight)</li></ul>

Power Clean + Push Jerk (Weight)
<p>Every Minute (10:00):<br />5 Power Clean and Push Jerks (+5lbs total from Wk1)<br />- Use lightweight that can be cycled smoothly for 5 Touch and Go reps</p>
Workout (Time)
<p><strong>Boy Meets World</strong></p><p><br />Freedom (RX’d)<br />For Time:<br />75 Air Squats<br />25 Push Ups<br />50 Wall Balls (30/20)<br />25 Push Ups<br />75 Air Squats<br />(KG conv: WB 14/9)<br /><br />Independence<br />For Time:<br />60 Air Squats<br />20 Push Ups<br />50 Wall Balls (20/14)<br />20 Push Ups<br />60 Air Squats<br />(KG conv: WB 9/6)</p><p><br />Liberty<br />For Time:<br />50 Air Squats<br />15 Bar Push Ups<br />30 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)<br />15 Bar Push Ups<br />50 Air Squats<br /><br />Target time: 8-10 minutes<br />Time cap: 14 minutes</p>
Mobility (Checkmark)
<p>1 min lacrosse ball pec smash (each side)<br />1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each side)<br />1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)</p>

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