Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bodybuilding
Warm-up (No Measure)
5 min Single/Double Unders
5 rounds of Rowling
(5 max penalty Burpee Box Jump Overs)
Focus: Rowling is a skill game of trying to get the erg monitor to land exactly on 100m each round. Begin rowing at a normal pace and take your last pull between 70-80m and let the monitor “rowl” (row+bowling) into the 100m mark. The number of meters you are over or under 100m are the number of penalty burpees you must complete. There is only a max of 5 penalty burpee box jump over each round.
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
25 min EMOM
(40 sec work/20 sec rest)
Min 1: Kb Swings (1.5/1)
Min 2: Back Squats from rack (135/95)
Min 3: Dumbbell Bench (50s/35s)
Min 4: Calories Assault Bike
Min 5: Abmat Situps
*Keep a tally of total reps completed within each movement. All KB Swings are added into one score, all back squats are added into one score and so forth. Athletes should have 5 separate scores.
Focus: Athletes should pace and attempt to keep the same reps in each minute for the entirety of the 25 minutes. Just because it is :40 seconds of work each minute does not mean that the athletes have to move for the whole time. Athletes can strategically break within that :40 seconds to have a more consistent score and not over exert in the beginning rounds of the workout.
Monostructural (Time)
At 80% Effort:
1000m Row
800m Run
1000m Run
-Rest 3 minutes-
At 90% Effort:
500m Row
400m Run
500m Row
-Rest 3 min-
At 100% Effort:
250m Row
200m Run
250m Row
Focus: Athletes should focus on staying in those percentages when working through this. Athletes should move smooth throughout the entire workout and focus on increasing speed each set.
Cooldown/Mobility (Checkmark)
1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
1 min Pigeon Pose (each side)
1 min Quad Smash (each side)
1 min Double Banded Overhead Shoulder Distraction + Curtsy (each side)
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