CrossFit WOD, May 23, 2023

CrossFit – Tue, May 23

Warm Up
<p>1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate</p><p>1-2 Sets<br />1:00 Row (moderate)<br />:30 Plank<br />25ft Double KB FR walking lunges (light)<br />25ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry (light)<br />25ft Sandbag Carry (light) -or- Double KB front rack carry<br /> </p><p>2. Workout Prep</p><p>1 set (at workout pace):<br />25ft Double KB walking lunges(at workout weight)<br />25ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry (at workout weight)<br />25ft Sandbag Carry -or- Double KB front rack carry(at workout weight)</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>4 Sets:</p><p>50ft Double KB front rack walking lunges (2×70/50)<br />100ft Kettlebell Farmer Carry (2×70/50)<br />100ft Sandbag Carry (150/100) (OR 100ft Double KB Front Rack Carry (2×70/50)</p><p> </p><p>Rest 2 minutes between sets</p>

<p>Scaling option</p><p> </p><p>4 Sets:</p><p>50ft Double KB front rack walking lunges (2×50/35)<br />100ft KettlebellFarmer Carry (2×50/35’s)<br />100ft Sandbag Carry (100/75) (OR 100ft Double KB Front Rack Carry (2×50/35’s)</p><p> </p><p>Rest 2 minutes between sets</p>

<p>TARGET SCORE</p><ul><li><strong>Target Time each set:</strong>sub 2 minutes</li><li><strong>Time Cap each set:</strong>3 minutes 30 seconds</li></ul><p>STIMULUS and GOALS</p><ul><li><p><strong>How to Pace:</strong>CHALLENGE into SPRINT!<br />Consistent lunges, moderate farmer carry, and Sandbag/Carrymakes for a fast pace and try and hold. The goal should be to start with a moderate pace and steadily increase through the next 3 sets.</p></li><li><p><strong>How it should Feel:</strong>LACTIC ACID PARTY! Light up the quads early, grind through some grippy carries, and hold on for dear life.</p></li></ul><p>WORKOUT STRATEGY &amp; FLOW</p><p><strong>Flow</strong></p><p>Lunge down in 2x50ft increments,Farmers Carry the KB’s 2×50 ft, carry the sandbag 2×50 ft or KB front rack carry, REST 2 minutes then repeat.</p>


Warm Up
<p>2-3 Rounds<br />15 Banded Good Morning<br />10 Single Arm KB Deadlift R/L (Light-Moderate);</p>
Deadlift (5×5)
<p>*Do a set every 2 minutes.<br /><br />5 Sumo Deadlifts + 5 Deadlifts @ 7.5/10 RPE<br />5 Sumo Deadlifts + 5 Deadlifts @ 7.5/10 RPE<br />5 Sumo Deadlifts + 5 Deadlifts @ 8/10 RPE<br />5 Sumo Deadlifts + 5 Deadlifts @ 8/10 RPE<br />5 Sumo Deadlifts + 5 Deadlifts @ 8/10 RPE<br />*5 Max Vertical Jump after each set.</p>

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