Mayhem Affiliate Bodybuilding 5/18/2024

Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding RPE Scale

RPE 1-3 || This should be a weight that an athlete can move with ease throughout the intended rep range.

RPE 4-5 || This is a weight that provides a moderate amount of resistance but the athlete feels like they could double the intended rep range with the weight they chose

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate-moderate/heavy weight for the athletes. This should provide a challenge for the intended rep range but should not be something that they are worried of failing. The rest needed between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near maximal effort for the intended rep range. Athletes should need and want adequate amount of rest between the sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a max effort for the intended rep range. The athlete should be fully taxed at the end of each set.

Arms and Core Warm-up (Checkmark)

3 Rounds

15/12 cal row

15 banded bicep curls (light band – fast reps)

15/12 cal ski

15 banded tricep extensions (light band – fast reps)


3 rounds:

5 Alt. V-ups (each side)

10 Lying Heel Taps (each side)

5 Cat/Cows

Athletes Notes

Focus: Move with intention and take machine work at an easy/moderate pace

Banded Bicep Curls

Banded Tricep Extension

Alt Leg V-ups (per side)

Lying Heel Taps (per side)


Deficit Pushups

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Focus: Set up 3 plates on the floor. Two plates should be positioned under the hands and one plate positioned under the feet. There should be enough space between the plates for the hands so that the torso can pass through and make contact with the floor. Athletes will find that turning the hands out slightly will allow for better shoulder positioning when going down in the pushup. Only attempt deficit Push-ups if you can perform regular Push-ups without assistance. Recommended deficit is 45lb hi-temp plates.
5 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Bent Over Barbell Row

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Focus: With a double overhand grip, deadlift bar to waist and then lower to a hang position (right above the knees) to start each set. Aim to pull with the elbows (rather than the hands) and bringing the bar to the hips (do not pull high towards the upper abdomen). Focus on getting a strong back contraction with each rep. Minimize the amount of kipping used between reps and feel the stretch in the lats/upper back when lowering the bar back to the hang position with each rep.
5 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Tricep Dips

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Focus: Dips can be performed on either dip bars or two high boxes (allowing the body to pass between the boxes). Keep shoulders in an engaged position throughout the dips and the rest of the body in a strong “hollow position” if not using assistance. A band can be attached across the bars or one foot can be placed on the floor to assist.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

DB Spider Curls

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a light/moderate weight. Stay the same and focus on strict control throughout

Focus: Set up an incline bench to a 45 degree angle. Hold light/moderate dumbbells in each hand and brace chest/upper torso against bench. Perform curls with both arms at the same time.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets *Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets Focus: Resistance should allow for control throughout the extension. ALWAYS INSPECT BANDS FOR SIGNS OF POTENTIAL BREAKAGE BEFORE USING. Avoid going to complete lockout at the bottom: focusing on stopping just before full extension. Focus on engagement of triceps with each rep and stop before failure is reached. Keep free hand behind tricep to stabilize arm and minimize swing.
4 sets: 10 reps (each side) – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Standing Alternating DB Curl

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a light/moderate weight. Stay the same and focus on strict control throughout

Focus: Stay with a weight that will allow for control and minimal kipping of reps. Keep dumbbells slightly in front of the body at the bottom position to keep tension on the biceps throughout set. When curling, turn the arm thinking about getting the pinky finger close to the shoulder to maximize contraction with each rep.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Core Work (4 Rounds for time)

4 sets:

10 Overhead Plate Situps

:30 GHD Hip Raise Hold

10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (ecah side)

:30 Hanging L-sit hold

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)

*Rest 2:00 b/t sets

Athletes Notes

Overhead Plate Situps

Sorenson Hold aka Hip Raise Hold

scale to Superman Hold if needed

Side Star Plank Reach Throughs

Hanging L-Sit

if this is too challenging, you can scale this by tucking your knees.

KB Front Racked/ Overhead Carry

Cooldown/Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min seal pose

1 min bicep stretch on wall

1 min tricep smash (each side)

Athlete Notes

Bicep Wall Stretch

Tricep Smash

Mayhem Mini-Pump

Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

Arms and Core (4 Rounds for time)

4 rounds:

10 Deficit Pushups @ moderate weight RPE 7

10 Bent Over Barbell Row @ moderate weight RPE 7

10 Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band (each side) @ moderate weight RPE 7

10 DB Spider Curls @ moderate weight RPE 7

10 Overhead Plate Situps

:30 GHD Hip Raise Hold

10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (ecah side)

:30 Hanging L-sit hold

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)

*Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds

Athletes Notes

Deficit Pushups

Bent Over Barbell Rows

Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension with Band

DB Spider Curls

Overhead Plate Situps

Sorenson Hold aka Hip Raise Hold

scale to Superman Hold if needed

Side Star Plank Reach Throughs

Hanging L-Sit

if this is too challenging, you can scale this by tucking your knees.

KB Front Racked/ Overhead Carry

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