Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bodybuilding
Functional Pump (Shoulders & Arms) (Checkmark)
INSTRUCTIONS! Do NOT do this session with the rest of the bodybuilding track. It should be done alone for the day. We recommend doing it as the ONLY workout for that day and the next day (i.e. if you do the 3 functional pumps during the week, we don’t recommend doing any other workout apart from the 3 power lifts – Squat, Deadlift & Press). Please click on “Workout prep notes available” directly to read the instructions before doing the workout!
3 sets:
10 Dumbbell Arnold Press at RPE 7-8
20 Barbell Curls at RPE 7-8
-rest 1 minute-
10 Bar (OR Ring) Dips (weighted if possible) at RPE 7-8
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls at RPE 7-8
-rest 2 minutes b/t sets-
3 sets:
60 seconds of Max Banded Tricep Press Downs
-rest 30 seconds-
60 Seconds of Max Push Press (moderate weight)
-rest 2 minutes between sets-
30 MINUTES VERSION (or less):
*For a shorter version today, perform only 2 sets of the top and/or bottom piece and cut rest to 1 minute b/t set if needed
Athletes Notes
Demo Videos
Seated Arnold Press
Standing Barbell Curl
Bar Dips or Strict Ring Dip
Double Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Banded Tricep Pull Downs – aka press down
Push Press
10 Dumbbell Arnold Press
20 Barbell Curls
-rest 1 minute-
10 Bar (OR Ring) Dips
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
-rest 2 minutes-
10 Dumbbell Arnold Press
20 Barbell Curls
-rest 1 minute-
10 Bar (OR Ring) Dips
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
-rest 2 minutes-
10 Dumbbell Arnold Press
20 Barbell Curls
-rest 1 minute-
10 Bar (OR Ring) Dips
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
-rest 2 minutes-
10 Dumbbell Arnold Press
20 Barbell Curls
-rest 1 minute-
10 Bar (OR Ring) Dips
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
60 seconds of Max Banded Tricep Press Downs
-rest 30 seconds-
60 Seconds of Max Push Press (moderate weight)
-rest 2 minutes-
60 seconds of Max Banded Tricep Press Downs
-rest 30 seconds-
60 Seconds of Max Push Press (moderate weight)
-rest 2 minutes-
60 seconds of Max Banded Tricep Press Downs
-rest 30 seconds-
45 Seconds of Max Push Press (moderate weight)
These are intended to give you a great “pump” for the day. They are a mix of bodybuilding type movements, some CrossFit style structure and/or movements, and aerobic work.
The intensity is designed to just be MODERATE! It is so you can come and do a workout to get a “pump”, sweat some and get out of breath. Ideally you can hit these with friends as well!
Many of these are from, or built off of, recent workouts Rich has done. You can come and do them on a day when you aren’t feeling like doing as much intensity with our other more CrossFit based tracks, or when you want to change up your bodybuilding style. Have fun with them!
Do NOT perform this with the rest of the bodybuilding track. It is meant to be done alone for the day. We recommend performing these as the ONLY bodybuilding for this day and the following day (i.e. if you do all 3 functional pumps in a week, we don’t recommend doing any other bodybuilding, except for the 3 power lifts – Squat, Deadlift & Press).
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
Bodybuilding RPE Scale
RPE 1-3 || This should be a weight that an athlete can move with ease throughout the intended rep range.
RPE 4-5 || This is a weight that provides a moderate amount of resistance but the athlete feels like they could double the intended rep range with the weight they chose
RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate-moderate/heavy weight for the athletes. This should provide a challenge for the intended rep range but should not be something that they are worried of failing. The rest needed between sets should be minimal.
RPE 8-9 || This is a near maximal effort for the intended rep range. Athletes should need and want adequate amount of rest between the sets at this RPE.
RPE 10 || This is a max effort for the intended rep range. The athlete should be fully taxed at the end of each set.
Arms & Shoulders Warm Up (Checkmark)
3 Rounds
15/12 cal row
15 banded bicep curls (light band – fast reps)
15/12 cal ski
15 banded tricep extenstions (light band – fast reps)
2 rounds
10 PVC pass throughs
5 PVC around the worlds (each direction)
10 Arm circles (each direction)
5 Down dog/seal pose transitions
Athletes Notes
Focus: Move with intention and take machine work at an easy/moderate pace
Banded Pushups
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets Focus: Take a light/moderate weight band place it across the back and loop through the palm of each hand. Assume a pushup position and perform standard Push-ups by touching the chest to the floor and then pressing to full extension. Keep a tight plank position with the body. Modify to Push-ups on a racked bar or the side of a box if needed.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Seated Arnold Press
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across
Focus: From a seated position, raise a dumbbell in each hand to the shoulders with palms facing the body. When pressing overhead, turn the hands during the press to finish with palms facing away from the body. Avoid overextending in the low back during this movement by keeping the core engaged throughout.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Leaning Lateral Raise
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a light weight, stay the same or build across sets
Focus: Athlete will stand next to a rig upright with feet in line with each other, heel to toe. The athlete will hold on to the rig and lean away, placing the body in a 45-60 degree angle from the floor. The free arm will hold a light dumbbell and lift the dumbbell laterally to shoulder height and then return down, stopping just before tension is released. This movement is not meant to be performed with heavy weight or momentum so be sure to keep movements controlled and steady.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap Protocol (Checkmark)
Complete Iron Scap Protocol:
Archer: 10 reps (each side) – Heavy Band
Pulldown: 10 reps – Heavy Band
Tiger Walk: 20 reps (each side) – Heavy Band
WY Negative: 10 reps – Light Band
Snow Angel: 10 reps – Light Band
Bear Hug: 10 reps – Heavy Band
ATYT: 10 reps – Light Band
Athletes Notes
Crossover Symmetry
Focus: Use band weight that is challenging but allows for quality of movement. If you do not have access to a crossover symmetry set, substitute 4 sets of 10 bent over lateral dumbbell raises.
DB Preacher Curl
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a light/moderate weight. Stay the same and focus on strict control throughout
Focus: Using either an incline bench or the rounded portion of a GHD pad, brace the back of the upper arm against the bench/pad. The bench/pad is used to completely isolate on the bicep and remove assistance from body/shoulder. Attempt very light weight before working sets to get a feel for range of motion/amount of isolation that is placed on the bicep. DO NOT OVERLOAD THIS MOVEMENT BY GOING TOO HEAVY. Curl the DB with one arm braced against the pad and then switch to the other side and complete on the opposite arm to finish the set.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Single Arm DB Skull Crusher
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets
Focus: Laying on a bench, extend dumbbell towards the ceiling. Bending at the elbow, lower the dumbbell to the side of the head, approximately to the level of the hairline. Place the free hand behind the tricep of the working arm to brace and provide support to keep the elbow in the correct position.
4 sets: 10 reps (each side) – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Shoulder Press
5 sets: 5 reps – @75-80% of 1RM
*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Checkmark)
1 min banded overhead shoulder distraction (each side)
1 min thread the needle (each side)
1 min bicep stretch on wall
1 min tricep smash (each side)
Athletes Notes
Banded Overhead Shoulder Distraction
Thread the Needle
Bicep Stretch on the Wall
Tricep Smash
Mayhem Mini Pump
Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.
Arms and Shoulders (4 Rounds for time)
4 Rounds
10 Barbell Strict Press @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality
12 Leaning Lateral Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality
10 DB Preacher Curl @ moderate weight – maintain quality
10 Single Arm DB Skull Crusher (each side) @ moderate weight – maintain quality
-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-
Athletes Notes
Strict Press
Leaning Lateral Raise
DB Preacher Curl
Single Arm DB Skull Crusher
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