Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

***Murph shirt orders are due by Friday April 30th! Please contact Jess if you’d like to make an order. ***

***Attention all OG members***
Todd Blanchard’s church (Crossroads) is hosting an event called “Pick it up Moss Bluff” on Saturday May 15th. The purpose of this event is to pick up trash/debris in the public areas of Moss Bluff still cluttered from hurricane laura/delta. The event will be from 8am-noon, or depending on if cleanup is finished or not. Open gym will be assigned a geographical location to clean/pickup.

There is a sign up sheet by the whiteboard. If you have a truck availble to use for hauling off trash put yes or no under the column listed “truck available?”. We will have until May 4th to fill out this roster so i can give Todd and the church a headcount.

I have no doubt that the OG community will show up in full force for this event. Lets show the Moss Bluff area how strong we really are!

Any questions contact Ben at 337-377-9259


Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus

OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation

* 10 Side step R/L

* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L

* 10 Glute Bridges

* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L

* 10 Bird Dogs R/L

* 10 Squats

3. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate


:30 bike/row/ski (increase intensity ea round)

5 scap pull-ups

5 kipping swings

5 inchworm to pull-ups

10 goblet squat thrusters

4. Workout Prep

1 set:

5 thrusters (workout weight)

5 pull-ups

OG (class and compete)

Fran (Time)

Thrusters, 95# / 65#



Target Time: 3-6 minutes

Time cap: 9 minutes


Thrusters: Squat Clean to get into a good position. This is a non-negotiable for this workout, practice it and warm it up.

Open Hands on Thrusters to relax the grips and biceps to reduce fatigue during pull-ups.

Breathe at the top of the Thruster Rep and maintain a consistent pace until you can go unbroken.

Pull-ups: Maintaining Kipping efficiency and body control throughout the 21 and 15 sets in Fran is extremely important. Don’t get GOOEY!

Minimize time between sets to a 7-10second countdown clock, use this time to quickly get chalk, but stay on the countdown clock!


Ensure you SET and PUSH the bar down into the ground, keeping it tight to your pull-up station.

DO NOT let it bounce away from you or roll around.

Immediately get your hands onto the Barbell after your last pull-up set.

NEVER get chalk going to the barbell!!! Never take a break between movements.

Chalk only during a planned set break up.

OG bodybuilding

Metcon (No Measure)

AMRAP 12 Minutes

8 Bench Presses (165/110)

8 Strict Pull Ups

-Rest 4 minutes-

AMRAP 12 Minutes

6 Bench Presses (185/115)

6 Strict Weighted Pull Ups (25/15)

-Rest 4 minutes-

AMRAP 12 Minutes

4 Bench Presses (205/135)

4 Strict Pull Ups (45/30)

-Rest as needed-

5 Sets (superset)

12 Curls (light/moderate weight)

12 Tricep Push Downs (light/moderate weight)


5 Sets (superset)

12 Skull Crushers (light/moderate weight)

12 Seated Cable Rows (light/moderate weight)

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637 Lejuanta St. Lake Charles, LA 70611-5317
Open hours
4:00 am-10:00 pm
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