Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding
Warm-up (No Measure)
100 cal Bike erg: Choose your pace and feel free to alternate between standing and seated if you are able.
Hip Halo Activation
*Focus: Effort should be easy to moderate.
Lower body push/pull
Metcon (No Measure)
Barbell Back Squat
5 sets: 8-12 Reps (Weight increasing across sets)
-Rest 90 sec b/t sets-
*Focus: High bar position. Controlled speed down and up. Stop just before full lockout at the top of each rep for added time under tension on legs
Barbell Deadlift
5 sets: 8-12 reps (Weight increasing across sets)
*Focus: traditional deadlift setup. Keep weight to a controllable amount. All reps are touch and go – do not reset at the bottom of reps.
DB Goblet Squat
4 sets: 10-12 reps (Moderate weight: Stay the same or increase across sets)
*Focus: Dumbbell should be held in front of the body at chest height. Focus on control throughout the movement. Elevate heels on a small plate to place more emphasis on the quads if desired.
Double DB Single Leg RDLs
4 sets: 10 reps (each side) (Moderate weight: Stay the same across)
*Focus: Hold dumbbells in each hand. Weight should allow for control and balance throughout movement. Lower dumbbells until back begins to round and stand focusing on glute engagement
Sled Push
5 sets: (Build in weight across sets; load should be challenging for each and allow for an unbroken push for the prescribed distance)
Set 1: 50yd push
Set 2: 40yd push
Set 3: 30yd push
Set 2: 20yd push
Set 1: 10yd push
*Focus: Build to a heavy weight by the end of the 5th set but keep weights to something that allows for a steady, unbroken pace on each (walk – do not sprint the sled)
Seated DB Calf Raise
4 sets: 15-20 reps (hold DBs in both hands – one propped on each knee)
*Focus: Sit on an elevated surface that allows for a 90 degree position of the knee and have toes on a platform that will allow for full extension of the ankle. Show control throughout and optional pause of 1 sec at the top of each rep
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