
Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding


Upper body pull warmup (No Measure)

50/35 cal Row


6 min AMRAP

10 ring rows

5 iron cross (each side)

5 seal pose/down dog pose transitions

10 seated single arm banded rows

Strict pull-ups (8×6)

-Hands outside shoulder width

-Full grip on bar

-Start hanging with arms extended

-Chest stays up with eyes forward

-pull until chin is higher than bar

-Complete at full arm extension
8 set: 6 reps

*Add weight if desired

Focus: Control should be shown across sets. Athlete should keep core engaged and avoid kipping. Band across rig is encouraged if strict reps are not possible and should be set at a height that allows for desired number of rep but no more. If using a band, make note of the hole that you are placing the back across the rig to keep consistency on resistance assistance across workouts.

Underhand Bent Over Barbell Row: Version 2 (4×12)

4 set: 12 reps

*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets

Athletes Notes

Focus: With a double underhand grip, deadlift bar to waist and then lower to a hang position (right above the knees) to start each set. Aim to pull with the elbows (rather than the hands) and bringing the bar to the hips (do not pull high towards the upper abdomen). Focus on getting a strong back contraction with each rep. Minimize the amount of kipping used between reps and feel the stretch in the lats/upper back when lowering the bar back to the hang position with each rep.

Double db standing bent over row (4×10-12)

4 set: 10-12 reps

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same across all sets.

Focus: Holding dumbbells in either hand, bend at the waist to a 45-60 degree incline of the torso. Be sure to push the hips back so that the load is supported by the posterior chain, rather than only the lower back. Pulling with the elbows, row the dumbbells so they are around the area of the hips (rather than mistakenly pulling with the hands and pulling high). Do not use excessive kipping with the upper body.

single arm db row (4×10-12)

4 sets: 10-12 reps

*Build to a Moderate Weight and stay the same across all sets.

Athletes Notes

Focus: Using the freehand to support the body against a bench or other elevated surface, stagger the feet, and lean forward to 45 to 80 degree angle of the torso. Athlete will pull with elbow. Focus on pulling DB to the hip/waist rather than pulling high towards upper abdomen

Barbell Bicep curls (4×12-15)

4 sets: 12-15 reps

*Build to a Moderate Weight and stay the same across all sets.

Athletes Notes

Focus: Stay with a weight that will allow for control and minimal kipping of reps. Keep barbell slightly in front of the body at the bottom position to keep tension on the biceps throughout set (don’t go to complete loss of tension at bottom).

Alternating db bicep curls (4×12-15)

4 sets: 12-15 reps (each side)

*Build to a Light/Moderate Weight and stay the same across all sets.

Athletes Notes

Focus: Stay with a weight that will allow for control and minimal kipping of reps. Keep dumbbells slightly in front of the body at the bottom position to keep tension on the biceps throughout set. When curling, turn the arm thinking about getting the pinky finger close to the shoulder to maximize contraction with each rep.

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637 Lejuanta St. Lake Charles, LA 70611-5317
Open hours
4:00 am-10:00 pm
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