Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bronco Basketball
Lower body push/pull
Lower body push/pull (No Measure)
Hip Halo Activation
3 rounds
5 Alt. step through lunges (each side – perform a step-back lunge directly into a step-forward lunge)
5 Cossack Squats (each side)
10 Kang Squats (empty barbell)
Strength (lower)
Back Squat (8-6-4-4)
8 reps @ 65%
6 reps @ 75%
4 reps @ 85%
4 reps @ 90%
* Rest as needed between sets *
Front Squat (3×5@moderate to heavy weight)
After each set perform 10 moderate height box jumps
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
Every 3 minutes for 4 rounds:
400m sprint
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