CrossFit WOD, November 8, 2021


Missing a few reps or blatantly cheating?
We’ve all been there, middle of a grueling workout when the mindset goes completely out of the window. It could be at the end of a long set of double unders, or a 20 min AMRAP where our physical pain exceeds our cognitive ability to just simply count. We find ourselves asking the typical questions. Was I at 120 double unders or 110?  Did I do 9 or 10 rounds? Trying to retrace our steps and count in our own heads, we still have no clue what number we ended on. Frustrated with ourselves we tend to chose the latter of the two. Reason why other than being a self punishment tactic to help us count better next time? Because it shows integrity. 

The second, blatantly cheating reps. Workout calls for 21-15-9 reps of thrusters and pull-ups. Yet only 16-10-7 are performed.  
Two questions…What does someone benefit from by choosing to cheat reps? Absolutely nothing, simple as that. As an athlete not meeting the intended stimulus of the workout because of cheating reps affects our own personal fitness related goals. So, why? You are hurting your own personal gains. 

Next question, Who does this affect? The wodify whiteboard is an awesome tracker to see where we compare throughout the day as workouts are being completed. We all check it numerous times (some way too many). We all have a few people we compare our scores/times against. Someone who is equivalent to our own fitness level. Think about how this affects those following you? Is it demoralizing to see someone with a time/score that you know can’t be touched? Yet you are in every which way similar to them from a fitness standpoint. ABSOLUTELY. 
I get it, we are all competitive in nature. I hate losing to my 6 year old when playing tic tac toe. But sometimes we have to take that step back and realize what the true meaning of integrity really is. Think about this next time when planning to shave reps or enter a false time into wodify.

1. Crossover Symmetry Activation
OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats
3. Movement Prep
3 Sets
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Squat (Each Arm)
:20 Single Arm Ring Plank (Each Arm)
10 Banded Glute Bridge

4. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate (perform after the lifting)
8-12 Minutes moving through:
1:00 Echo Bike or Assault Bike
20 Alt. Leg V-Up
15 Goblet Squat (Light-Moderate)
10 Single Arm High Pull R/L
Build to Power Clean weight.

5. Workout Prep
1 Set (at workout pace):
5 Toes to Bar
3 Cal Echo Bike
5 Wall Ball (at workout weight)
3 Cal Echo Bike
3 Power Clean (at workout weight)

OG class
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
For time:
100 Toes to bar
*Every 2 Minute on the Minute
15/12 Calorie Row. Start with row
-rest until 20:00-
100 Wall Ball (20/14)
*Every 2 Minute on the Minute
15/12 Calorie row. Start with row
-rest until 40:00-
25 Power Clean (165/110)
*Every 2 Minute on the Minute
15/12 Calorie row. Start with row

OG Compete
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
For time:
100 Toes to bar
*Every 2 Minute on the Minute
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike. Start with Echo Bike
-rest until 20:00-
100 Wall Ball (20/14)
*Every 2 Minute on the Minute
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike. Start with Echo Bike
-rest until 40:00-
25 Sandbag Clean (150/100)
*Every 2 Minute on the Minute
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike. Start with Echo Bike

Sub 185/125 power clean if no sand bags are available

Target time each set: 9-11 minutes
Time cap each set: 15 minutes
How to Pace: SUSTAIN
This workout is designed to test your strategy and mental push. We want to see adjustments being made on the fly and calculated rest to finish in the appropriate time frame. Approach this workout with some aggression while having a plan. Do not try and max reps on the first round because subsequent rounds will not go well.

How it should Feel: GASSY. The high intensity work on the bike will add up and make you sustain work with an elevated heart rate and breathing rate.

Bike: Push the pace and finish in 45-55 seconds. Not a max effort but around 80-85% and wind down the last few calories to steady the heart rate.

Toes to bar & Wall balls: We want 15-20+ for each round. You can do quick sets of 5s or get aggressive with sets of 10+. For wall balls, Try to hang on for sets of 10+ and do 20+ per round as well.. Finish your number of wall balls and toes to bar each round at least 10 seconds before returning to the bike. Aim for a consistent amount of reps during each set unless it appears that the total reps can be finished in a round with a few extra reps.

Sandbag Clean or Power Clean: Sell out here! Let’s go for 6-8+ reps each round and finish sub 8 if possible

Session 2
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus
OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats
3. Hinshaw Warm up
Hinshaw warm up written out
Perform each drill for 10m out, then walk back

High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
Over hurdle (heel, toe)
Knee to chest
Figure 4 (1 sec)
Lunge with reach overhead
Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
Toy soldiers
High knee + arm swing
Butt kick + arm swing
Straight Leg (shallow heel)
20m out walk back

Side step out and back
Side step jumping jack out and back

Sitting arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
Standing arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
Perform each drill for 10m

Toes out walk
Toes in walk
Heels walk
Toes walk
Outside Foot walk
Inside Foot walk
50m hash marks (fast feet) forwards & backwards
30m (20m speed up, 10m to slow down)
45m (35m speed up, 10m to slow down)
60m (50m speed up, 10m to slow down)

Metcon (Time)
Run "Aerobic" (aka Long) Workouts
4 Min at Easy Pace
-30 Sec Rest-
4 Min at Easy Pace
-2 Min Rest-
20 Min at Easy Pace w/8x 30 Sec Fast Surges within 20 Min Run
-Rest 2 Min-
4 Min at Moderate Pace
-30 Sec Rest-
4 Min at Moderate Pace

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