Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding
Lower body push/pull (No Measure)
Hip Halo Activation
3 rounds
5 Alt. step through lunges (each side – perform a step-back lunge directly into a step-forward lunge)
5 Cossack Squats (each side)
10 Kang Squats (empty barbell)
Back Squat (6×8)
6 set: 8 reps
*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same across all sets. Attempt to add a small amount of weight from last week’s load.
Athletes Notes
Focus: High bar position. Controlled speed down and up. Stop just before full lockout at the top of each rep for added time under tension on legs.
Deadlift (6×8)
6 set: 8 reps
*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same across all sets. Attempt to add a small amount of weight from last week’s load.
Athletes Notes
Focus: traditional deadlift setup. Keep weight to a controllable amount meaning no bouncing off the floor. All reps are touch and go – do not reset at the bottom of reps.
spanish squat (4×15)
4 sets: 15 reps
*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across sets
Athletes Notes
Focus: Anchor a thick resistance band to a rig at knee height. Step into band and place band on the back of the calves below the knees. Hold a KB or DB in a goblet position and squat to parallel and lean back slightly against the band. Squat just below parallel and push the leg back into the band while standing. Done properly, athletes will feel constant tension in the quads throughout this movement. Perform with bodyweight only at first to get a feel for proper loading throughout range of motion. ALWAYS INSPECT BANDS FOR SIGNS OF POTENTIAL BREAKAGE BEFORE USING.
Spanish Squat
DB good mornings (4×15)
4 sets: 15 reps
*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across sets
Athletes Notes
Focus: Take a single DB and turn sideways. Hold the dumbbell in front of the chest by wrapping the arms around and over top of the dumbbell. Maintaining a neutral spine, push the hips back and keep the shins vertical. Lower the chest forward until end ROM is found and return to a vertical position by contracting the hamstrings/glutes.
DB Good Mornings
double db rack walking lunges (4×30)
4×30 yrds
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