Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Functional bodybuilding
Shoulder and glute warmup (No Measure)
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Halo Warmup
Athletes Notes
Focus: Move with intention and focus on each movement you are performing
Shoulder Press (5×8)
5 sets: 8 reps
*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same across all sets. Attempt to add a small amount of weight from last week’s load.
Athletes Notes
Focus: Take barbell from the rig. Keep abs and glutes engaged to prevent over-extension of the low back. Use a slightly staggered stance if needed to prevent over extension. Barbell should make contact with the upper chest/shoulders between reps but you should not lose tension between reps by resting the bar in the front rack. Attempt to add a small increase from previous week’s loading.
seated double db strict press (4×10)
4 sets: 10 reps
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across
Athletes Notes
Focus: From a seated position, raise a dumbbell in each hand to the shoulders. Press overhead to full lockout and return to shoulders. For comfort in range of motion, dumbbell can come to the shoulder in more of a neutral grip position and finish in a pronated grip overhead (similar to an Arnold press motion without the full supinated grip at the shoulder).
standing db lateral raises (4×10)
4 sets: 10 reps
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same across sets
Athletes Notes
Standing DB Lateral Raise
Focus: While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand with dumbbells slightly in front of the body. Raise the dumbbells to the side, focusing on leading the movement with the elbows and not the hands. Arms should stay slightly bent throughout the movement and hands should stop at the level of the shoulder/elbows. Keep weight on the lighter side so control can be shown throughout.
GHD hip raise (5×20)
5 sets: 20 reps; unloaded or holding a plate or DB
Athletes Notes
Focus: Set up GHD so hips are slightly past the hip pad. Go down to 90 degrees and raise to parallel. Avoid using excessive momentum to complete reps and squeeze glutes at the top of each rep
GHD Hip Raise
Russian kettlebell swings (10×10)
10 sets: 10 reps
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Use a high weight as long as form can be maintained throughout sets
Athletes Notes
Russian Kettlebell Swing
Focus: Start with the KB on the ground in front of the body. Hike the KB to the hips and use a violent hip extension of the hips to drive the KB to shoulder height. Torso should stay vertical at the top of the swing and lats should be engaged to drive the KB back down. Athlete should make sure that glutes and core are engaged for a solid hollow position at apex of swing.
split stance romanian DB deadlifts (4×10)
4 sets: 10 reps (each side)
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across sets
Athletes Notes
Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift
Focus: Holding dumbbells in each hand, assume a slightly staggered stance. Bend at the waist. Working leg should have a slight bend throughout rep. Continue forward with the dumbbells until the upper/lower back begins to round. Aim for this movement is level, balance movement throughout rep (no leaning to left or right) and control of body and dumbbells throughout rep. Do not sacrifice either of these for an increase in weight. To stand, contract the glute on the working side. Consider using straps during this movement so that grip is not a limiting facto
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