CrossFit WOD, November 4, 2022

Mayhem Affiliate 11/04/2022

<p>1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate<br />2 sets:<br />10 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs<br />10 PVE Pipe Around the world (Left and Right)<br />-into-<br />2 sets<br />30-second Jump Rope<br />5 Empty Bar Shoulder Press<br />5 step back lunges<br />50ft Overhead walk with Dumbbell (25ft each arm)<br /><br />2. Strength Prep<br />Once athletes finish the warm-up, they should be able to progress right into strength. Like the 10 rep last week, working up to an 8 rep max is no easy task and can fluctuate depending on the day. Athletes should only need 4-5 sets to establish an 8 rep, and during those building sets, we should only hit 3-5 reps (tops) so we don’t burn out. This is a huge mental test and should not be rushed! Make sure athletes stay smooth and maintain form through each rep. Athletes should be a little conservative with the weight and not feel like every rep is a 1RM.&nbsp;<br /><br />3. Workout Prep<br />With partner<br />2 sets:<br />10 Double Unders (each)<br />1 Wall Walk (each)<br />10ft Single Arm Overhead Lunge Walk (each)</p>

Shoulder Press (Establish an 8 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set of 8-10 reps at 85-90% and 8-10 reps 80-85% of that 8 RM.)

Metcon (Time)
<h4>“The Great Gazoo”</h4><p>Freedom (RX’d)<br /><br />Partner Workout:<br />100-80-60-40-20<br />Double Unders<br />10-8-6-4-2<br />Wall Walks<br />*50ft Single arm Overhead Walking Dumbbell Lunge (50/35) after each set&nbsp;<br />*Split all reps in whatever sets you decide.<br /><br />Individual Option:<br />50-40-30-20-10<br />Double Unders<br />5-4-3-2-1<br />Wall Walks<br />*25ft Single arm Overhead Walking Dumbbell Lunge (50/35) after each set<br /><br />(KG conv: DB 22.5/15)<br /><br />Independence<br />90-70-50-30-10<br />Double Unders<br />10-8-6-4-2<br />Wall Walks (Halfway)<br />50ft Single arm Overhead Walking Dumbbell Lunge (35/25) after each set<br />(KG conv: DB 15/10)</p><p><br />Liberty<br />100-80-60-40-20<br />Single Unders<br />Bear Crawl (ft)<br />50ft Walking Lunge after each set<br /><br />Target time: 10-12 minutes<br />Time cap: 15 minutes</p>

<p>1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)<br />1 min Couch Stretch (each side)<br />1 min Trap Smash (each side)</p>

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