Mayhem Affiliate Bodybuilding 10/31/2023

Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Bodybuilding


Bodybuilding RPE Scale

RPE 1-3 || This should be a weight that an athlete can move with ease throughout the intended rep range.

RPE 4-5 || This is a weight that provides a moderate amount of resistance but the athlete feels like they could double the intended rep range with the weight they chose

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate-moderate/heavy weight for the athletes. This should provide a challenge for the intended rep range but should not be something that they are worried of failing. The rest needed between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near maximal effort for the intended rep range. Athletes should need and want adequate amount of rest between the sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a max effort for the intended rep range. The athlete should be fully taxed at the end of each set.

Back & Bicep Warm-up (Checkmark)

3 Rounds

15/12 cal Row

10 Scap Pull-ups

15 Bent Over Barbell Rows (empty bar)

5 Iron Cross (each side)

5 Down Dog/Seal Pose Transitions

Demo Videos

Scap Pull Ups

Bent Over Barbell Row

Iron Cross

Down Dog/ Seal Pose Transition
Focus: Effort should be easy building into moderate. Get yourself moving and opened up for upcoming work.

Strict Pull-ups

4 sets: 10 Reps – RPE 8

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

Meadows Row

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets

Focus: Set up a barbell on a landmine attachment or in a corner (be sure to add some type of padding as to not damage the wall due to friction). Load the free end of the barbell with weight. Note that Olympic size plates may inhibit range of motion due to diameter so athletes may want to stack small change plates for loading. Take a staggered stance with the leg closest to the bar staggered back and the non-working side arm braced against the non-working side leg. Bend over and grasp the bar with a pronated grip. Row up by pulling with the elbow and keep torso rotation to a minimum. Lower towards the floor and feel the stretch in the lat/rhomboid at end range.
4 sets: 10 Reps – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Single Arm Lat Pulldown

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets

Focus: On a seated lat pull machine, attach a single handle. Grasp with one hand and pull down to shoulder height. Keep the torso balanced during the pull, meaning that you shouldn’t lean away or towards the handle as the movement is performed. Position of the hand will be more neutral rather than a prorated grip like a traditional Lat Pulldown. Knees are locked under the leg pad and arm is extended overhead. Focus on a strong contraction of the back/pulling back with the elbow not the hands. If you do not have access to a Lat Pulldown machine, attach a single band to a Pull-up bar and perform this movement. ALWAYS INSPECT BANDS FOR SIGNS OF POTENTIAL BREAKAGE BEFORE USING.
4 sets: 10 Reps (each side) – RPE 8

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Focus: Done with athlete laying on their back on an incline bench with dumbbells in both hands. The movement places a large amount of isolation on the bicep so do not be tempted to go too heavy with this movement. Do not sacrifice form/control for weight.
4 sets: 10 Reps – RPE 8

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

Single Dumbbell Waiter Hold Curl

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Focus: Using one dumbbell, grasp by one head of the dumbbell with both hands (allowing the second head to hang below the hands so dumbbell is vertical). Hand position should be so that the palms are facing more towards the sky rather than palms facing each other. Curl the dumbbell, showing control throughout.
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

Mayhem Mini-Pump

Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

Cooldown/Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min Standing QL Doorway/Rig Stretch (each side)

1 min Foam Roll Lats

1 min Thread the Needle (each side)

1 min Bicep Wall Stretch (each side)

Demo Videos

Standing QL Doorway Stretch

Foam Roll Lats

Thread the Needle

Bicep wall Stretch

Mayhem Mini-Pump – Back and Biceps (4 Rounds for time)

4 Rounds

10 Strict Pullups @ moderate weight – maintain quality

10 Meadows Row @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality

10 Single Arm Lat Pulldown (each side) @ moderate weight – maintain quality

10 Incline Dumbbell Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-

Athletes Notes

Meadow Rows

Single Arm Lat Pulldown

Incline Dumbbell Curls


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