Open Gym Strength and Conditioning – Teens
Hip Halo
8:00 AMRAP
30 SIngle Unders
10 Cossack Squats
10 Lunges (in place)
5 Hand Release Push Ups
5 Back Squats (build in weight)
“Shock Method” (“Shock Method”
3-4 sets:
6 Back Squat (Heavy)
12 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges (Total/In place)
25 Jumping Air Squats
-Rest 2:00 to 2:30 between sets-
Shock method is a specific rep set of 6-12-25 and goes from a challenging compound movement to a moderate challenging movement using the same muscle groups into the lightest/easiest movement. Each set is meant to feel very intense by the finish and will be just as much mentally challenging as it is physically. These are meant to be “superset” so ensure as soon as athletes finish their station they begin the next within 10-15 seconds.
Score = weight of the Back Squats. You can increase weight or stay the same across all 4 sets.
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
5 sets
75 Double Unders
20 Push Ups
-Rest 1:00 between sets-
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